Project DPro Practitioner: a rewarding experience

by Dennis Michael Mehlau

I recently had the pleasure of completing my Project DPro Practitioner certification. It was a time-consuming and intense, yet incredibly rewarding experience. The concept of performing different sets of activities to become a practitioner is great and exactly what is needed to make this experience meaningful and sustainable. Combining mini-courses on technical and soft-skill topics with informal learning activities like attending webinars and reading books and articles is state of the art. Adding dedicated activities where you are required to share your knowledge with your community, like writing articles or giving training to your peers, is innovation. I have never seen anything like it, and I am happy to have had the chance to experience these rewarding exercises.

The described combination of activities and the recurring ask to showcase how I apply my project management knowledge and skills, made me reflect deeply on my practice as project manager. And that is exactly what sets it apart from other certification processes. You don’t binge learn and forget, no, you again and again reflect on your work and how you apply what you learned in the first place, here the first place being the knowledge you acquired via the Project DPro Guide and Project DPro Foundation examination.

I can only recommend any project manager to embark on this journey. It will lead to acquiring new as well as refining your current skills and competencies via a constant and thorough reflection process on your practice and therefore will inevitably make you a better project manager. I can only thank the team behind Project DPro for this experience whilst looking forward to the activities required for my re-certification in the years to come.

Dennis Michael Mehlau is an independent consultant, Project DPro Practitioner certified, with expertise in Organizational Restructure, Strategy Development, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Project Management.

Guides, Templates and Tools

Did you know DPro+ has a huge range of resources available for use by all members?

Perhaps you are a Project DPro Practitioner candidate looking for free and approved resources?

Or maybe you are looking for a tool to help you with your Continuous Professional Development?

No matter what your needs are, you can find a range of tools, templates, and Guides in our resources section.

To see the complete list of Guides, Templates and Tools click here.

Project Management “How to” guides

One of the many resources available on DPro+ is the range of “How to” guides for development project managers.

There are a total of sixteen guides including the following titles:

How to create a Project Budget

How to Be a Mentor

How to Perform Needs Analysis

How to Write a Project Implementation Plan

To see a full list of the guides in this series go to the How to Guide section.


Whether you’re a new site member, looking for activities for your Project DPro Practitiponer activity log, or simply wishing to fill spome free time, visit the back catalogue of PM4NGOs webinars using the following link:

Webinar back catalogue

Here you’ll find webinar recordings relating to many aspects of project management and Project DPro in various languages.

Blog back catalogue

Since DPro+ first went live we have added a substantial collection of blog articles on all types of issues relating to project management in the development and humanitarian sectors.

From case studies and updates to Project DPro Practitioner resources and information realting to the Covid-19 crisis, visit our back catalogue to browse through some of the many blog postings:

Blog back catalogue

The NGO Challenge

We are pleased to be able to provide direct access to the article “The NGO Challenge” by the Association of Project Management. This article takes an in-depth look at the activities of Mercy Corps, PM4NGOs and Pyramid Learning in the development and humanitarian sectors.

Many of the professionals mentioned in the article are active in the development of the DPro suite range of products. It’s rewarding to see their efforts recognized by the APM.

To find out about how Project DPro is helping to address the NGO Challenge, take a look at the article below.

We would like to express our gratitude to the APM for giving us permission to publish this article on DPro+.

Project Management Challenges

A recent article on entitled 9 Project Management Challenges and how to overcome them identifies the challenges most common to project managers.

This article focuses on Project Management from a generic perspective, but which of these challenges are particularly relevant to the development and humanitarian sectors?

The diversity and variety of development projects means some of these challenges will be more pertinent to your projects, while others will be more important in other settings.

In our experience, budgeting issues are often a huge challenge in development projects. Access to funding is a common obstacle in many of the projects which have seen.

Stakeholder engagement holds far-ranging connotations in international development. Whereas in other sectors, a lack of stakeholder engagement often refers to end users, people’s participation in development can be viewed as an end product in itself rather than simply a means to ensuring the right product or service is delivered.

Does scope creep affect ID and humanitarian projects as much as traditional engineering and product design projects? This is certainly possible, although, once again, the array of initiatives under the ID umbrella make it impossible to generalize.

How about your own projects? What are the important challenges you face during planning and implementation?

La importancia de la Gerencia de Proyectos para el desarrollo estratégico de Puerto Rico

Soy Jesús E. Delgado, y me considero un profesional, practicante, conferenciante y educador en Gestión de proyectos, PMO, Resiliencia Organizacional y Continuidad de Negocio. Estoy comprometido conmigo mismo con ser un líder servicial y transformacional, un constructor de relaciones, un solucionador de problemas, un pensador crítico, un promotor de la innovación y un formador del futuro.

Tras el paso de los huracanes Irma y María en el 2017, los terremotos del 2019 y 2020 y la pandemia del Covid19, Puerto Rico ha sufrió una gran devastación y los sistemas de infraestructura principales se vieron severamente afectados. Debido solamente a los daños causados por el Huracán María, se han identificado miles de proyectos de reconstrucción y recuperación en todos los municipios de la Isla.

Nesty Delgado

Es importante mencionar que PR es un territorio no incorporado de los EEUU y por ende todos los puertorriqueños somos ciudadanos americanos y somos participes de las ventajas y desventajas que eso pueda traer.

En este caso en particular, PR será el recipiente de miles de millones de dólares de fondos del Gobierno de los EEUU para la recuperación, reconstrucción y resiliencia del País La gran mayoría de estos fondos deben ser invertidos e implementados a través de proyectos que se desarrollarán en toda la Isla. Actualmente, están definiéndose, diseñándose, planificándose e implementándose cientos de proyectos educativos, de construcción, de infraestructura, tecnológicos, y para aumentar la resiliencia eléctrica y comunitaria.

Todos los 72 municipios, los cientos de agencias del gobierno central y cientos de NGOs tendrán la ardua tarea de gestionar proyectos de baja, mediana y alta complejidad por los próximos diez a quince años.
Esto es una oportunidad histórica única para Puerto Rico ya que con la cantidad de dinero asignada para estos proyectos podríamos transformar nuestra Isla hacia niveles de excelencia nunca antes vistos. Pero para lograr el éxito, hacen falta cientos de gerentes de proyectos con las competencias, la experiencia, la madurez emocional, la visión y el liderazgo necesarios.

En la actualidad PR no cuenta con suficientes profesionales de la gerencia de proyectos que puedan atender la gran cantidad de proyectos, programas y portafolios existentes. Por esa razón es urgente capacitar en Project Management, PMO e Implementación de la Estrategia a todos los individuos que tengan la capacidad de aprender.

Consciente de la gran cantidad de proyectos que deberán ser implementados en los próximos años como parte de los esfuerzos y fondos destinados a la recuperación y reconstrucción de Puerto Rico, hace unos meses propuse un junte estratégico entre la Asociación de Industriales de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association) y mi empresa, OKA Project Management & Strategic Leadership para lanzar la Academia de Gerencia de Proyectos PM4PRR3 (Project Management for Puerto Rico’s Recovery, Reconstruction & Resiliency).

El programa educativo está enfocado en proveer, a todo tipo de profesional, las competencias necesarias para la gestión eficiente de proyectos y el conocimiento y herramientas para el diseño, implementación y mejora continua de las Oficinas de Gerencia de Proyectos. La Academia no será solo para los miembros de la Asociación sino que estará abierta al público en general, municipios y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro (NGOs) y para todo personal responsable de la implementación de proyectos.

Para recalcar nuestro compromiso social, estaremos becando a un miembro de NGO’s por cada 20 participantes matriculados en la academia.
Estoy convencido de que el mayor riesgo en un proyecto es ponerlo en manos de un Gerente de Proyectos sin las habilidades y experiencia necesarias por lo que llevo desde hace más de un año exponiendo esta situación en diferentes foros públicos del País. Y por eso propuse tomar acciones afirmativas a través de la Academia PM4PRR3.

Para esta academia hemos creado un “Roadmap” de aprendizaje en donde estaremos llevando a los participantes desde la fundación en Gerencia de Proyectos, luego a convertirlos en Practicantes de la profesión y hasta llevarlos a tener las competencias y conocimiento necesarios para diseñar, poner en marcha y mejorar continuamente sus PMOs.

Con este objetivo hemos logrado traer Certificaciones profesionales en Project Management & PMO reconocidas internacionalmente a precios sumamente razonables. Para la creación de la Academia hemos contado con la asesoría y apoyo de John Cropper, fundador de Pyramid Learning y pasado presidente de PM4NGOs desde Inglaterra, de Leonardo Reyes, presidente de PMO Academy y PMOfficers desde Barcelona, y de Antonio Nieto Rodríguez, pasado presidente del PMI a nivel mundial, autor para el Harvard Business Review y cofundador del Strategy Implementation Institute desde Bruselas. Todos gurús y expertos internacionalmente reconocidos en la Gerencia de Proyectos”

Para este proyecto educativo, estamos combinando las metodologías para la gestión de proyectos de desarrollo publicadas por la organización PM4NGOs y Pyramid Learning en combinación con las Metodologías para el desarrollo de PMOs de la PMO Academy by PMOfficers y el modelo de implementación estratégico publicado por el Strategy Implementation Institue. Organizaciones internacionales que son líderes en educación y estándares sobre la Gerencia de Proyectos.

Strategies for managing a project team

Team management is one of the most important aspects of the project management profession.

Effective team management is crucial for a balanced and functional project. There are many strategies for team management, and some of these are discussed in the article “10 dynamic strategies for managing a project team” published at

  • Ensure balance within the team
  • Ensure visibility and transparency
  • Ensure effective communication within the team
  • Foster a culture of collaboration
  • Value each suggestion and discuss progress with your team
  • Establish success metrics and reward excelling members
  • Delegate tasks to groom future leaders
  • Manage internal conflicts
  • Use all available resources at your disposal to facilitate teamwork
  • Take part in regular team building activities and celebrations

Take a look at the list. If there are some strategies you do not currently use, how could you develop activities in these areas to enhance your team management skills?

How has your approach to team management changes during the current pandemic? If you have less face-to-face contact with your team, has this had a negative effect on team building/morale?

Project Governance Resources

Project Governance is a very popular theme with project managers seeking to deepen their general knowledge.

PM4NGOs’ partner organization, the Association for Project Management, has a library of resources on the subject of project governance.

You can access these resources using the following link:

APM Project Governance

The wealth of information provided in this webpage includes definitions, case studies, blogs and publications.

For instance, we especially enjoyed the article entitled “Goldilocks goverance – the story of the three bears

This fable uses the children’s narrative to explain how the key to successful governance lies in getting the right formula – not too hot or too cold, but just right!

Read this blog and access other resources at the APM website.